If you prefer to create your own shell commands to generate your Apache CSR, follow the instructions below.
1- Connect to your server through your terminal client (ssh). </ StrongSI you prefer to create your own shell commands to generate your Apache CSR, follow the instructions below.
2- Connect to your server through your terminal client (ssh).
3- Execute the command
At the prompt, type the following command:
Note: Make sure to replace the server with the name of your server.
openssl req –new –newkey rsa:2048 –nodes –keyout server.key –out server.csr
4- Generate files
A- You have now started the process of generating the following two files:
- Private key file: used to generate the CSR and later to secure and verify connections using the certificate.
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File: Used to order your SSL certificate and later to encrypt messages that only its corresponding private key can decrypt.
B- When you are prompted to enter the common name (domain name), type the fully qualified domain (FQDN) for the site you are going to secure.
Note: If you are generating an Apache CSR for a Wildcard certificate, make sure your common name begins with an asterisk (for example, *
C- When prompted, enter your organizational information, starting with your geographic information.
Note: You may have already configured the default information.
D- Now your OpenSSL .csr file is created.
5- Order your certificate SSL / TLS
A- Open the .csr file you created with a text editor.
B- Copy the text, including the tags —– BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST —– et —– END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST —– , and paste it into the OXABOX order form.
6- Save the private key
Save (save) the generated .key file. You will need it later to install your SSL certificate.
7- Install the certificate
After receiving your SSL certificate from OXABOX, you can install it on your server.
Do you need help to install a CSR on Linux? Do not hesitate to contact us.